It's holiday time and everyone is busy, including me. I hope you had a good Turkey-day, I sure did. It was wonderful to have so much of my family in one place. That doesn't happen enough in my family. Everyone is always busy, and not all of the younger generation takes the time to visit.
I'm older, and I see things that maybe they don't. As a young adult, I spent every Wednesday at my Gramma and Grampap's for dinner. Nothing fancy, it was usually sandwiches, or soup (tomato soup that my husband graciously ate even though he hated it, so not to be rude to my Gramma - love him for that) Just thinking about those Wednesdays, I am tearing up. Heck, who am I kidding, I'm ugly crying... (I really miss them... and it's been almost twenty years since they've been gone.)
My husband (boyfriend at the time) had told me if I felt it was important to spend time with them, then do it. And I did. And I am so thankful that I did. Those are wonderful memories.
I saw my other grandfather slowing down in his later years, and made sure I was at every holiday and every dinner. I also helped out any time they needed me. I don't regret any of it, because like I knew in my heart, his time was coming to an end.
I am now old enough to understand all of this. And I was so overjoyed to see two of my cousins, that we never saw enough when they were teens, come to Thanksgiving. We even met the one's girlfriend. I saw my grandmother's face when her grand-kids came in the house. She lit up, and that's something we rarely see these days. Those are the moments that will stay with a person - with me.
(time-out to wipe my tears...)
Yep, it was a wonderful day. And I hope yours was just as great. I also send good wishes for the upcoming holiday.
Besides the holiday keeping me busy, I've been on a writing kick. If you recall, this summer I was in a rut. Life and the things it threw at me had me down. The words were not flowing. My book was pushed back a handful of times. But it is finally dropping December 15th! And I'm super excited about it.
That book inspired me. I have since been working on a new story (to be released in 2018), and had about three more ideas come to me. I'm excited about all of the possibilities that lay before me. I can't wait for them to all come alive, and for you to see them.
If you love what you see here and want to keep up with all the new books in 2018, consider joining my reader's group. They get the news before anyone else.
I'm getting nothing by good reviews from my ARC readers for SHOT AT LOVE (available December 15th) and I can't wait until you all can read it! I think they are my new favorite couple! (But I think I always say that)
Maybe it's the season, but I'm excited about this burst of creativity. And you know the old saying that goes something like "if you love what you do, you'll never work a day in your life" ? That's where I'm at. I love writing and creating. It's not "work" to me.
Speaking of, I better get back to it.
Happy Holidays! And welcome December!
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