Lordy, these germs are powerful!!
Today is a week since I started feeling sick, and I am slightly (only slightly) feeling better, but I actually feel human today, which in itself is something to cheer about. (But I won't be cheering because that will bring on a coughing fit of massive proportions - trust me.)
I am not quite well enough to have any desire to be in the kitchen cooking, or running up and down the stairs to do laundry, however I just might have to. While last week I was able to instruct my teenager to do a load of laundry, empty and load the dishwasher, and sit back and watch while Mr. G took care of all the meals, this week is a different story. Now both of my guys are getting sick too. (And, yes, I have been doing my womanly duty of nagging them both to take their vitamins in addition to Vitamin C - because if the roles were reversed, I would be mainlining vitamin C!!)
And I am happy to report that since I've had no appetite, I am back to my pre-holiday weight, lol. Not that I was trying, but I'm happy about it. Less I have to work off.
Speaking of my new Healthy way of eating... I have a short-term goal of 20 more pounds by March. That will get me to my first long-term goal = 1year. Second long-term goal = 2yrs. Last long-term goal = 3yrs.
If I can do this, anyone can...I have zero drive, zero self-control, and I'm lazy - LOL. My job is sitting at the computer. But, I am determined to get healthy, and that combined with seeing results is what motivates me.
Look out 2019! I'm #GettingHealthy
If you are getting healthy too, follow me on Twitter @Tanger_Chick
Once I can walk more than two steps without going into a coughing fit, I'll be adding a few gym days to my healthy eating. (Go me!)
I hope you are starting out your 2019 on a positive note too (and not sick like me - but still positive).
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